rock hard


rock hard


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Englannin sanakirja

rock hard (englanti > suomi)

  1. kivikova

rock hard englanniksi

  1. As tough, hard, or inflexible as a piece of rock.

  2. 1998, Jean Carper, Food - Your Miracle Medicine, page 192

  3. One of humankind's oldest maladies, kidney stones are rock-hard
  4. 2007, Meaghan Mountford, Cookie Sensations: Creative Designs for Every Occasion, page 25

  5. You are not using the frosting as a glue, as in making a gingerbread house, so it is not necessary that it dry rock hard.
  6. puhekieltä With muscles developed and toned to a high degree, especially the muscles of the abdomen.

  7. 2007-2008, quoted in Best Newspaper Writing, 2007-2008, page 367

  8. He was pale but rock-hard from exercise, and still had a grunt's haircut.
  9. 2010, Andre Maxwell Jacob, And Then There Was Life!, page 229

  10. Workout complete – Miles body was rock hard.
  11. puhekieltä Having a very fully erect and stiff penis

  12. 2008, Eden Bradley, Forbidden Fruit, page 112

  13. Tommy Lee first shivered when he felt the tongue in his ear, but his whole body shuddered when he felt the deputy's rock hard cock press along the length of his ass crack.
  14. 2010, Devon Scott, Unfaithful, page 142

  15. He is rock hard as he mounts her.
  16. puhekieltä With strongly held beliefs and opinions, deep conviction.

  17. 2010, Richard House, Del Loewenthal, Childhood, Well-Being and Therapeutic Ethos, page 96

  18. Mark does not seem to be suffering from any inner conflict, in that he is rock hard and will not budge from this position.
